Find Out Your Parenting Style

Take this FREE quiz to find out if your approach might be a factor.

Quiz: Parenting Styles and ADHD Risk

Recent research suggests that certain parenting styles may increase a child's risk of developing ADHD-related behaviors. Take this quick quiz to learn more about your approach and discover ways to create routines that support focus and balance in your child’s life.

1. How often do you use consistent routines at home?

  • A) Always

  • B) Sometimes

  • C) Rarely

2. When your child displays challenging behavior, what is your response?

  • A) I remain calm and guide them on how to handle it

  • B) I get frustrated but try to redirect them

  • C) I often feel overwhelmed and unsure how to respond

3. How do you set boundaries with your child?

  • A) Clear, consistent rules with logical consequences

  • B) I adjust depending on the situation

  • C) Rules and boundaries are inconsistent or rarely enforced

4. How often do you allow your child to make choices within limits?

  • A) Regularly, to build independence

  • B) Occasionally, but I step in if needed

  • C) Rarely; I usually make choices for them

5. Do you use positive reinforcement to encourage good behavior?

  • A) Frequently; I praise or reward positive actions

  • B) Sometimes, but I often focus on correcting negatives

  • C) Rarely; I focus more on discipline than praise

6. How structured is your child’s daily routine?

  • A) Very structured with regular mealtimes, bedtimes, and study hours

  • B) Somewhat structured, though it varies from day to day

  • C) Not very structured; things are often spontaneous

7. How do you handle disagreements with your child?

  • A) We talk it through calmly and reach a compromise

  • B) I try to listen but often end up deciding for them

  • C) We argue or ignore it, hoping it resolves itself

8. How would you describe your parenting style?

  • A) Balanced and supportive

  • B) A mix of support and strictness

  • C) I’m unsure, or it changes frequently

9. How do you support your child’s focus and organization skills?

  • A) I help them create routines and check in regularly

  • B) I remind them when they forget, but don’t have a set approach

  • C) I haven’t established specific routines or habits

10. How involved are you in setting goals with your child?

  • A) Very involved; we set and review goals together

  • B) Somewhat involved; I offer suggestions

  • C) I’m not very involved; I leave it up to them


  • Mostly A’s: Your parenting style is well-balanced with routines that may reduce ADHD-related behaviors. Keep up the great work!

  • Mostly B’s: You have a mix of supportive and flexible approaches. Building a more consistent routine could help reinforce positive behaviors and reduce distractions.

  • Mostly C’s: Your parenting style might benefit from increased structure and routine to support focus and balance in your child’s daily life.

Want Support? Schedule a Free Consultation!
Parenting can be challenging, and building routines that support focus and behavior takes skill. Our Growth Coaches can help you create effective routines tailored to your child’s needs. Book a free consultation to explore how our coaching can support your family and promote lasting growth.


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